Saturday, January 14, 2006


Dr. Phil = bogus?

Online Dating Service Teams Up With Dr. Phil

IF there is still any stigma attached to online dating, is hoping to eradicate it by enlisting a spokesman whose first name alone evokes recognition in mainstream America.
Dr. Phil McGraw, the nation's most visible self-help specialist and relationship guru (sorry, Dr. Ruth), has just been hired as Match's first celebrity spokesman. Dr. McGraw, a self-described life strategist who offers folksy advice on his syndicated daytime talk show, will star in an advertising campaign for Match that will have its debut on Sunday.

The campaign will promote "MindFindBind," a Match interactive program introduced this week that leads users through the dating process with self-help questionnaires and video pep talks from Dr. McGraw.

Match, the leader in online dating services, began in 1995 and says it has more than 1.2 million paid subscribers. The new campaign carries the tagline, "We'll show you who. He'll show you how."

Taken from the NY Times, January 13, 2006 (for full article, click here: )

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Is it just me, or is this Dr. Phil phenomenon getting out of hand? I'm really rather skeptical about this guy's credentials, to be honest. I think the whole "fat guru" period of his really soured me on this guy.

(For those who are unfamiliar with things, Dr. Phil came out with a weight-loss reduction program. What the heck is a relationship guru doing with a weight-loss program? The guy isn't exactly looking like an Olympic athlete either, if you know what I'm saying, and now he's trying to tell people how to lose weight???)

Does his advice even work? Does anyone know? Anybody reading this actually benefit from him?

I guess I'm just incredibly suspicious of folks who get too commercialized... especially when they team up with an online dating service. Wow. What credibility. :)

Friday, January 13, 2006


US army institutionally racist, claims British officer

The article speaks for itself.

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US army in Iraq institutionally racist, claims British officer
Richard Norton-Taylor and Jamie Wilson in Washington
Thursday January 12, 2006
The Guardian

A senior British officer has criticised the US army for its conduct in Iraq, accusing it of institutional racism, moral righteousness, misplaced optimism, and of being ill-suited to engage in counter-insurgency operations.

The blistering critique, by Brigadier Nigel Aylwin-Foster, who was the second most senior officer responsible for training Iraqi security forces, reflects criticism and frustration voiced by British commanders of American military tactics.

What is startling is the severity of his comments - and the decision by Military Review, a US army magazine, to publish them.

American soldiers, says Brig Aylwin-Foster, were "almost unfailingly courteous and considerate". But he says "at times their cultural insensitivity, almost certainly inadvertent, arguably amounted to institutional racism".

click here for the full story (,2763,1684561,00.html )


"Bitch-slapping" the Ku Klux Klan

This just made me laugh. :)

I'm sorry, but one of the lasting stereotypes of blacks by members of the Ku Klux Klan is that they are stupid. If this is true, then what does it make the Ku Klux Klan? ;)

Want to know how to "bitch-slap" the KKK? Read on... =)

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Black sergeant was 'loyal Klansman'

By Deborah Bulkeley
Deseret Morning News

About 25 years ago, Ron Stallworth was asked to lead the Ku Klux Klan chapter in Colorado Springs.
Ron Stallworth carries his KKK membership card as a memento.

Problem was, the outgoing Klan leader didn't know that Stallworth is black.

"He asked me to take over the lead because I was a good, loyal Klansman," said Stallworth, who had been in constant phone contact with the Klan leader while leading a yearlong Colorado Springs police investigation into the Klan.

Stallworth later moved to Utah, where he recently retired after nearly 20 years as an investigator for the Utah Department of Public Safety. He says he's amazed that no one ever caught on to the investigation he led starting in 1979. After he was offered Klan leadership, he quietly disappeared.

As a memento Stallworth still carries his Klan membership card — signed by David Duke.

"It was one of the most fun" investigations, he said. "Everybody said it couldn't be done." Stallworth communicated with Klan leaders using the telephone. A white officer posing as Stallworth went to the meetings.

"The challenge for me was to maintain the conversation flow," Stallworth said. At the same time, Stallworth also led an undercover investigation into the Progressive Labor Party, a communist group that protested at Klan rallies.

Stallworth, of Layton, worked 30 years in law enforcement in four states. Stallworth's undercover experience and research led him to become a nationally known expert on gang culture.

He calls the Klan investigation "one of the most significant investigations I was ever involved in because of the scope and the magnitude of how it unfolded."

The investigation revealed that Klan members were in the military, including two at NORAD who controlled the triggers for nuclear weapons.

"I was told they were being reassigned to somewhere like the North Pole or Greenland," Stallworth said.


British journalist describes arrest by US forces

This article shows why you should never get on the wrong side of George "I'm gonna bloW the hell out of you" Bush and his gang of "liberators."

Imagine what they do to people they REALLY don't like.

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British Journalist Describes Arrest by U.S. Forces

The British television journalist who was taken into custody by an American special task force in Iraq last weekend says that he was released after authorities informed him that they had mistakenly charged into the wrong house. Writing in Britain's Guardian newspaper, Dr. Ali Fadhil described how U.S. soldiers first blew apart the entrances to the house, then blazed into his bedroom where he slept with his wife and three-year-old daughter, confiscated his tapes, threw him to the floor, tied him up, hooded him, and took him away. He says he was finally told by an officer, "There was a mistake in the address and we apologize for the damage." Fadhil commented: "They blew three doors apart with explosives, smashed the house windows, trashed all our furniture, damaged the car, risked our lives by shooting inside rooms aimlessly, hooded me and took me from my family who didn't know if they would ever see me again -- and then, with a smile, they dismissed it as a small mistake." He said that the tapes for the documentary that he was shooting for Channel 4's Dispatches program have yet to be returned.

Taken from (January 12, 2006)


The Iranian nuclear situation - summary

Here's an interesting profile on the Iran nuclear situation from Pravda, the Russian newspaper.

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Iran ignores EU, USA and resumes its nuclear program
01/12/2006 13:39

Nuclear materials and equipment are traded illegally around the world on the black market
Despite the objections by the United States and
European Union, Iran announced that it would resume its nuclear development program on Monday. Iran and Russia has just held talks in Tehran regarding cooperation in nuclear power engineering. The two sides specifically discussed issues relating to a Russia-based joint venture to enrich uranium for the power plant in Bushehr. The timing of the Iranian statement smacks of scandal in the circumstances.

Experts are still in disagreement over Iran's real capability to enrich uranium.
Iran is a signatory of the Treaty for Nonproliferation of Nuclear Arms. Neither the treaty nor the Charter of the International Atomic Energy Agency prohibits Iran from conducting an uranium enrichment program.
Iran has vast reserves of uranium located in Sagand, in the central part of the country. Nuclear power engineering needs only 4 percent enriched uranium while military nuclear facilities need 90 percent enriched uranium. Speaking to Izvestia, Academician Alexander Rumyantsev said that the complexity of uranium enrichment processes is nonlinear, the first steps are the most difficult ones. Does Iran know the secret of uranium enrichment? A source in the Russian intelligence service told Izvestia that on its nuclear facility in Isfahan Iran had only learned how to carry out most simple preparation procedures, the so-called uranium conversion. Academician Rumyantsev shares a similar assessment of Iran's enrichment capability.

Meanwhile, nuclear materials and equipment are traded illegally around the world on the black market. A.Q. Khan, the scientist behind Pakistan"s atomic bomb program, admitted selling secret nuclear technologies to Libya, Iran, and North Korea. Iran repeatedly claimed that the enrichment equipment had been purchased strictly for its nonmilitary nuclear program. Five hundred centrifuges were manufactured by Urenco, a British-Dutch company. IAEA's experts found out that the equipment was still dismantled. Iranian specialists do not know how to use it. Besides, 500 centrifuges are just a drop in the ocean - several hundred thousand centrifuges would be required to enrich uranium domestically. Iran has no weapons' grade uranium yet. The country has 40 tons of undressed uranium.

Why on earth does Iran need an ostensibly nonmilitary nuclear program? The country has the world's second biggest reserves of natural gas. Iran also has the third largest oil reserves in the world. As regards national security, it is obvious that Iran does not want to depend only on hydrocarbons in terms of energy sources. The capacity of a nuclear power plant being built by Russians in Bushehr is 1 gigawatt. There are plans to increase total capacity of Iran's nuclear facilities up to 6 gigawatt. Aside from the power plant still under construction, a nuclear conversion plant and uranium mines, Iran has two nuclear facilities.

The first one is a research nuclear reactor in Tehran, which was built by U.S. personnel in 1967 when Iran was under the shah Riza Pahlavi. The reactor was modernized by Argentine specialists in 1992 to lower the grade of enrichment from 93 percent to 20 percent. The reactor's capacity is 5 megawatt which is much more than that of the Soviet-built reactor destroyed in Iraq by U.S. army during the Desert Storm in 1991. Iran's other nuclear reactor is a small thing built by the Chinese.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


Why not Iran???

Ok, I would never openly advocate for the invasion of another country, but don't you all think this is another example of US stupidity?

I mean, THIS is a country that has admitted to wanting Israel wiped off the map, whose President wished for Ariel Sharon to die, who has admitted to a nuclear program (if only "peaceful") and who has know ties with Al-Qaeda terrorists. THIS is the country Bush should have invaded instead of Iraq. And don't get me started about North Korea...

How conservative Americans can sit by while Bush's policies continue to waste billions of their taxpayer dollars, while seeing thousands of American troops die for reasons that have already proven to be wrong, is beyond me.

Invading Iraq was a mistake of incredible proportions. No weapons of mass destruction... no Al-Qaeda links... (heck, Al-Qaeda came in AFTER the US invaded... how ironic) Now Bush is committed to a long-term occupation that prevents him from focusing on two very real, nuclear threats. How's that for leadership?

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Iran nuclear stand-off escalates

Iran's dispute with the UN and Western countries has deepened after Tehran resumed nuclear research.

As Iran removed UN seals from equipment at Natanz facility, UN nuclear chief Mohamed ElBaradei said Tehran would start small-scale nuclear enrichment.

The move was condemned by the US and European countries, which fear Iran is seeking to produce atomic bombs.

Tehran denies the accusation, saying it wants to produce nuclear energy only.

In a statement from the International Atomic Energy Agency's (IAEA) headquarters in Vienna, Mr ElBaradei said that as well as breaking the international seals on its atomic research centre in Natanz, Iran would before Wednesday remove seals on two other connected sites.

The BBC's Bethany Bell in Vienna says Iran's latest move is expected to trigger an emergency meeting of the IAEA's board of governors.

Taken from the BBC (January 11, 2006)
for the full story, please proceed to:

Monday, January 09, 2006


Thaksin: really stupid or really devious

Thaksin promises FTA details later(TNA)

Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra reiterated on Monday that the government is ready to reveal the result of negotiations to establish a free trade area (FTA) between Thailand and the United States - in due course.

He insisted the government would not bring details of the talks on the US-Thailand FTA pact for discussion in the House of Representatives session because it is not required by the constitution.

He said the matter is the responsibility of the executive branch. However, he promised to reveal the details of the negotiation at an appropriate time.

Now, he added, experts from many parties are closely examining the agreement to ensure the country would not put at disadvantage from it.

Taken from the Bangkok Post, January 9, 2006 (click here for the full story: )

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Let me get this straight... Thaksin says he has "experts" looking over this deal to make sure there is no disadvantage, but the House of Representatives shouldn't see it yet??? Why not? Why can't the elected representatives of the people of Thailand be allowed to voice their concerns BEFORE anything is signed?

This sounds either really, really stupid, or really, really devious. Either way, that's Thaksin for you.


Ramos to Arroyo: Sacrifice, resign by 2007

Who the hell is former President Ramos thinking he is fooling? And how, exactly, do you express "support" for someone you want to resign?

What kind of bull is this???

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DESPITE SUPPORT Ramos to Arroyo: Sacrifice, resign by 2007

First posted 06:44pm (Mla time) Jan 09, 2006
Agence France-Presse

FORMER president Fidel Ramos has called on the incumbent Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo to make a "sacrifice" and step down by 2007 even as he reaffirms his support for her, saying he has rejected offers by her political opponents to join them.

Ramos answered "yes" when asked in a press conference on Monday if he still supported Arroyo, but added that he remained opposed to suggestions that the planned 2007 congressional elections be scrapped.

Taken from (for full story, click here: )


French hostage freed in Iraq

Just a quick question or two...

How many of you think this would have happened had he been AMERICAN instead of French? Raise your hands please.

I thought so.

I don't know about you, but if France HAD sent troops in to Iraq, I doubt this gentleman would be walking home on his own volition. This is why I'm happy that my country (the Philippines) pulled all its troops out already.

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Taken from the New York Times Online

January 8, 2006
French Engineer Held Hostage in Iraq Is Freed by Captors
Filed at 7:19 a.m. ET

Iraq (AP) -- A French engineer taken hostage in Iraq last month was pushed out of a car near a checkpoint in a Baghdad suburb, apparently freed by nervous captors who then fled, Iraqi police said Sunday.

Bernard Planche was found Saturday night near the checkpoint in Baghdad's Abu Ghraib suburb, said Maj. Falah al-Mohammadawi.

France's presidential Elysee Palace said Planche would be received by its embassy in Baghdad and return to his home country.

French President
Jacques Chirac ''is delighted by the happy outcome,'' the palace said. The president personally gave the news to Planche's daughter, Isabelle, and to his brother, Gilles.
Planche, who worked for a non-governmental organization called AACCESS, was kidnapped Dec. 5 on his way to work at a Baghdad water plant. Militants later released a video of him sitting between two armed men.

Arab news channel Al-Arabiya, which broadcast an excerpt of the video, said the militants denounced the ''illegal French presence'' in Iraq and demanded the withdrawal of French troops from the country. France has not sent forces to Iraq.

The name of a previously unknown militant group, called ''Monitoring For Iraq,'' was shown in the corner of the footage.

Planche's daughter and brother last month had pleaded for his release in an interview on Al-Arabiya.

''He came to help the reconstruction for the Iraqi people. We have faith and are sure that you won't hurt him,'' his daughter Isabelle said.

Insurgents have kidnapped more than 250 foreigners in the past two years, aiming to force U.S.-led troops to leave Iraq or prevent Arab nations from strengthening their ties with the Baghdad government.

Some of the hostages have been killed, while others were released after ransoms were paid or freed after Muslim clerics called the armed groups to release them.

On Dec. 8, the Islamic Army in Iraq claimed to have killed U.S. electrician Ronald Schulz. Other groups are holding four Christian humanitarian workers -- two Canadians, a Briton and an American.

No news has emerged about the fate of those men since a group claiming responsibility for their capture imposed a Dec. 10 deadline for their killings. The previously unknown Swords of Righteousness Brigade had threatened to kill the group if the United States and Britain did not release all detainees in Iraq.

Briton Norman Kember, 74, Canadians James Loney, 41, and Harmeet Singh Sooden, 32, and American Tom Fox, 54, were abducted in Baghdad on Nov. 26. All four were working in Iraq with Christian Peacemaker Teams, a Canadian-based organization that has investigated allegations of abuse against Iraqi prisoners.


Utah theater cancels "Brokeback Mountain"

I might respect this decision more if Larry Miller ALSO did not show the following films (among others):

1) Lethal Weapon 1, 2, 3 and 4
2) Any Arnold Schwarzenneger movie (except for his dumb comedies like "Twins" or "Kindergarten Cop")
3) American Pie 1, 2 or 3
4) Gladiator
5) Blade 1, 2 or 3

and the list goes on...

I'm not in a position to comment on whether he did or did not, in fact, show these movies too (and others like them), but I'm willing to bet a fair amount that he did show at least some, if not all, of them. The question now is: why is showing a movie full of either gratuitous violence or sex (the pre-marital, heterosexual kind) ok, but showing a love story between two gay people is not?

I hope Larry Miller is consistent with his principles and decides to only show movies by Pixar, or perhaps the next Wallace and Gromit adventure. He would have my full respect then. Otherwise, I say he and his company are hypocrites of the worst kind.

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Taken from the Associated Press

Utah Theater Cancels 'Brokeback Mountain'
Jan 08 2:20 AM US/Eastern


A movie theater owned by Utah Jazz owner Larry Miller abruptly changed its screening plans and decided not to show the film "Brokeback Mountain." The film, an R-rated Western gay romance story, was supposed to open Friday at the Megaplex at Jordan Commons in Sandy, a suburb of Salt Lake City. Instead it was pulled from the schedule.

A message posted at the ticket window read: "There has been a change in booking and we will not be showing 'Brokeback Mountain.' We apologize for any inconvenience."

Cal Gunderson, manager of the Jordan Commons Megaplex, declined to comment.
The film, starring Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal, is about two cowboys who discover feelings for one another. The two eventually marry women but rekindle their relationship over the years.

The movie's distributor, Focus Features, said that hours before opening, the theater management "reneged on their licensing agreement," and refused to open the film.
Gayle Ruzicka, president of the conservative Utah Eagle Forum, said not showing the film set an example for the people of Utah.

"I just think (pulling the show) tells the young people especially that maybe there is something wrong with this show," she said.

Mike Thompson, executive director of the gay rights advocacy group Equality Utah, called it disappointing.

"It's just a shame that such a beautiful and award-winning film with so much buzz about it is not being made available to a broad Utah audience because of personal bias," he said.

Sunday, January 08, 2006


Congress report doubts Bush justification for domesitc spying

Isn't it interesting that this ISN'T front page news on or FOX news online? Ok, forget about FOX. That'll never happen...

CNN, however, disappoints me. I mean, nowhere on their front page is this news story visible. I can see a story about 3 sharks attacking a woman, but nothing about this. It figures.

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Taken from the web-site (January 8, 2006)

Congress report doubts Bush justification of domestic spying
First posted 07:15pm (Mla time)
Jan 07, 2006 Agence France-Presse

WASHINGTON -- The US Congress' research arm has concluded that the Bush administration's justification for eavesdropping without warrants "conflicts with existing law and hinges on weak legal arguments," The Washington Post reported Saturday.

"The Congressional Research Service's report rebuts the central assertions made recently by [President George W.] Bush and Attorney General Alberto Gonzales about the president's authority to order secret intercepts of telephone and e-mail exchanges between people inside the United States and their contacts abroad," the Post reported.

The findings have prompted Democratic lawmakers and civil liberties advocates to repeat calls for Congress to conduct hearings on the monitoring program and attempt to halt it.

"It appears unlikely that a court would hold that Congress has expressly or [implicitly] authorized the NSA electronic surveillance operations here," the authors of the report wrote, according to the Post.

The administration's legal justification "does not seem to be ... well-grounded," they were quoted as saying.

A 2002 Bush order enabled the National Security Agency (NSA) to monitor, without a court warrant, international telephone calls and the electronic mail of US citizens with suspected ties to Al-Qaeda.

Domestic spying is a sensitive issue for many Americans who are proud of their civil liberties. Similar revelations about domestic spying led to legislation in the 1970s that allows wiretapping but requires government agencies to obtain a special court warrant for it.

However, in the wake of the September 11, 2001 attacks on New York and Washington, Bush approved the mass wiretap program under which the NSA could conduct domestic spying without a court warrant.


Tom DeLay's letter to Congress

Isn't it funny that Tom DeLay talks about acting in an "ethical" manner only after he's been indicted on illegal campaign finance charges, one of his "friends" Jack Abramoff has also been indicted and his own party, the Republicans, had a group of Congressmen publicly call for his ouster as Majority Leader?

The fact that he even hung on to the post after being indicted speaks volumes of his desire to hang on to his post for dear life, even at the expense of the good name of both the US Congress and his own political party.

Don't you just love politicans? We have a saying in my country... "Death before resignation!"

'Nuff said.

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WASHINGTON (CNN) -- U.S. Representative Tom DeLay (R-Texas) sent the following letter to members of the House Republican Conference, explaining his decision to permanently step down as majority leader:

Dear Colleague,

Today, I have asked Speaker Hastert to convene our conference for the purpose of electing a new majority leader, the position I have been honored to fill these past three years through the trust and confidence of our colleagues.

During my time in Congress, I have always acted in an ethical manner within the rules of our body and the laws of our land. I am fully confident time will bear this out.

However, we live in serious times and the United States House of Representatives must be focused on the job of protecting our nation and meeting the daily challenges facing the American people. History has proven that when House Republicans are united and focused, success follows.

While we wage these important battles, I cannot allow our adversaries to divide and distract our attention. I will continue to stand up for the issues I care so deeply about and work with you all on these priorities. I am constantly thankful for the support of my constituents in recent days as well as over the years they have allowed me to serve them. I will continue to work every day to fulfill their trust, and yours.

Tom DeLay


Fight the Bull

I'm dedicating this blog to fighting all the bull that we see, hear or read everyday from politicians/big business/the military or just about anybody or anything that tries to get away with spin doctoring or outright lying.

This site is dedicated to filtering out the bull that we get every single day from the people who swear they are telling us the truth, but who instead waste our time with the exact opposite thereof.

Anyone is free to post links, comments and/or general expressions of support/dismay/grief.

Let the Bull sessions begin...

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