Monday, April 17, 2006


China is now the 4th largest economy in the world... WOW

I had no idea how powerful the Chinese economy had become in such a short time. Mark my words... with the decline of the US economy will come the rise of China as the world's economic superpower. Give it about 25 years or so before you see some really dramatic changes.

I just can't see the US continuing to have such great consumer spending and over-reliance on monetary investments from outside over the next few decades and still surviving the growing trade deficits it is having with countries like China.

I don't know about you, but the next language I try to learn (after Korean), is Chinese.

see this article for more:,,13132-2137778,00.html


All who deserve death... DON'T get it

President Arroyo of the Philippines recently commuted the death penalty sentences for ALL convicts, en masse, for the Easter holidays.

What this means is that no one, no matter how vicious the crime he/she may have commmitted, will be given the death penalty for it.

I'm a personal proponent of the death penalty, and while I do feel there are many arguments against it, I just can't fathom how a man who can brutally rape a 10 year old girl and then murder her deserves anything less. My whole concept of justice can't conceive of how that man would get anything less.

To make matters worse, "President" Arroyo (I put that in quotes because she cheated her way to victory) didn't even bother to consult with the families of the victims of these criminals' acts. The very least she should have done was to find out what kind of emotional impact this might have. If I were the father of one of the victims, I would no longer sleep in peace after what the "President" has done.

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