Sunday, January 08, 2006


Tom DeLay's letter to Congress

Isn't it funny that Tom DeLay talks about acting in an "ethical" manner only after he's been indicted on illegal campaign finance charges, one of his "friends" Jack Abramoff has also been indicted and his own party, the Republicans, had a group of Congressmen publicly call for his ouster as Majority Leader?

The fact that he even hung on to the post after being indicted speaks volumes of his desire to hang on to his post for dear life, even at the expense of the good name of both the US Congress and his own political party.

Don't you just love politicans? We have a saying in my country... "Death before resignation!"

'Nuff said.

* * * * *

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- U.S. Representative Tom DeLay (R-Texas) sent the following letter to members of the House Republican Conference, explaining his decision to permanently step down as majority leader:

Dear Colleague,

Today, I have asked Speaker Hastert to convene our conference for the purpose of electing a new majority leader, the position I have been honored to fill these past three years through the trust and confidence of our colleagues.

During my time in Congress, I have always acted in an ethical manner within the rules of our body and the laws of our land. I am fully confident time will bear this out.

However, we live in serious times and the United States House of Representatives must be focused on the job of protecting our nation and meeting the daily challenges facing the American people. History has proven that when House Republicans are united and focused, success follows.

While we wage these important battles, I cannot allow our adversaries to divide and distract our attention. I will continue to stand up for the issues I care so deeply about and work with you all on these priorities. I am constantly thankful for the support of my constituents in recent days as well as over the years they have allowed me to serve them. I will continue to work every day to fulfill their trust, and yours.

Tom DeLay

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