Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Proof that, even at Northwestern University, some people are still going to be idiots...

I'm highlighting this article to show that I am not taking sides. I do believe the Holocaust happened, and that it was a horrific crime against humanity. The fact that some idiots, like this Northwestern University professor, choose to be blind is a sad, sad thing.

I'm just curious though... What does it take to be a tenured professor at Northwestern anyway? I sure as heck see that cultural sensitivity is NOT a criterion for selection.

* * * * *

Northwestern University rips Holocaust denial
President calls prof an embarrassment but plans no penalty
By Jodi S. Cohen
Tribune higher education reporter
Published February 7, 2006

Northwestern University President Henry Bienen said Monday that a professor's recent comments denying that the Holocaust happened are "a contemptible insult to all decent and feeling people" and an embarrassment to the university.

Bienen commented days after tenured engineering professor Arthur Butz commented in the Tribune and in the Iranian press that he agreed with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's assertions that the Holocaust is a myth.

Iran's semi-official Mehr News Agency and the English-language Tehran Times have published Butz's comments, promoting the Northwestern professor as one of the world scholars who support the Iranian president. Ahmadinejad, who also has called for Israel to be "wiped off the map," recently ordered the restart of uranium enrichment, raising fears that Tehran could try to build a nuclear weapon.

Butz's comments did not address the Iranian president's statements about present-day Israel or nuclear issues.

"While I hope everyone understands that Butz's opinions are his own and in no way represent the views of the university or me personally, his reprehensible opinions on this issue are an embarrassment to Northwestern," Bienen said in a statement to be e-mailed Monday night to all Northwestern students, faculty and staff.

taken from the Chicago Tribune online web-site
click here for the full article:,1,6453318.story?coll=chi-technology-hed

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