Wednesday, January 18, 2006


Jordanian press cautions against possible attack on Iran

I tend to agree with these Jordanian papers... if Iran isn't allowed to have nuclear weapons, then Israel should also be taken to task.

Just another example of the double-standard and hypocrisy we see in the world today.

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Larger war if Iran' s reactors attacked

Amman (dpa) - The Jordanian press on Wednesday cautioned that any pre-emptive strike against Iran could trigger an "international armed conflict".

Jordanian papers urged Western countries to resort to dialogue for resolving the standoff over Tehran's nuclear programme and to stop adoption of "double standards" that ignores Israel's nuclear capabilities.

The daily Alarab Alyoum said in an editorial that a strike to destroy Iranian nuclear reactors would drag the entire region into "an international armed conflict".

"The problem of the Iranian nuclear dossier cannot be resolved through a pre-emptive strike as envisaged by the new conservatives in Washington and the Israeli Likud Party leader Benjamin Netanyahu or by imposing economic sanctions, which are opposed by Russia, but rather through a decision by the American and European West to go back to reason and stop double standards," it added.

Another Jordanian newspaper, the English-language Jordan Times, said in its own editorial: "As for President George W. Bush's suggestion that force is an option, it is utterly irresponsible and unrealistic."

"Bluffing has taken the Bush administration nowhere so far, and it would be naive, to say the least, to think that this tactic could start working now," it added.

"It would only be fair and logical for the international community, after so firmly pursuing means to control Iran's nuclear programme, to ask Israel to hand over its nuclear arsenal," the Times said.

Taken from the Bangkok Post online, Jan.18, 2006:

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