Sunday, January 15, 2006


British scientists want to do human-rabbit embryo experiments

I'm sorry, but this is just beyond anything I can comprehend. I can't even begin to describe what I felt when I read this.

Have we gotten to the point where any kind of research, in the name of science and medicine, is now becoming acceptable? Is this what our society has ended up becoming? Where are our limits?

The fact that these scientists even asked for permission for this defies belief. Do they think this is going to be acceptable to the general public?

I just don't know what to say.

* * * * *

Stem cell experts seek rabbit-human embryo ·

Hybrid will hasten research, say scientists·
Grey area exposed in regulation procedures

Ian Sample, science correspondent
Friday January 13, 2006
The Guardian

British scientists are seeking permission to create hybrid embryos in the lab by fusing human cells with rabbit eggs. If granted consent, the team will use the embryos to produce stem cells that carry genetic defects, in the hope that studying them will help understand the complex mechanisms behind incurable human diseases.

The proposal drew strong criticism from opponents to embryo research who yesterday challenged the ethics of the research and branded the work repugnant.

Plans for the experiments have been put forward by Professor Chris Shaw, a neurologist and expert in motor neurone disease at King's College London, and Professor Ian Wilmut, the Edinburgh University-based creator of Dolly the sheep, as a way of overcoming the shortage of fresh human eggs available for research.

For full article:,3605,1685534,00.html

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