Sunday, October 03, 2010


Carlos Celdran... provocateur extraordinaire! :)

Just so it is official, I would like to add my name to the list of supporters of Carlos Celdran, as well as to the list of those fed up with the Philippine ?Catholic Church... give it up, you old looneys! Stop opposing artificial birth-control methods... The poor need a respite from over-population. Abstinence just ain't a viable option, and you know it!

As for Celdran, I fully support his right to free speech anywhere in the Philippines... I'd write a whole lot more, but my right hand is starting to get carpal tunnel syndrome... :(

Monday, December 17, 2007


Young adopted child abandoned by her adoptive parents, one of whom is a Dutch diplomat

I'm still furious about this. This is absolutely disgraceful. I'm posting this here so that, at least in my case, I will NEVER forget the names of the people who did this. This man calls himself a diplomat and a representative of his nation???

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Source: Chosun Ilbo (South Korean Newspaper)

The case of an eight-year old Korean girl who was adopted and later dumped by a Dutch diplomatic couple has caused an international outcry. Born in Daegu, Jade is now in danger of ending up a displaced orphan in Hong Kong, as her adoptive parents allegedly decided she did not “fit in” seven years after they adopted her as an infant. Jade was adopted at the age of four months in January 2000 by the Dutch diplomat, who was working in South Korea, and his wife. At the time, the woman reportedly believed she was infertile, but the couple have since had two children of their own. They moved to Hong Kong in July 2004 and early last year decided they did not want Jade any more and left her in the care of Hong Kong’s Social Welfare Department.
Since then, Jade has been shunted from home to home, living sometimes at the home of a foreign missionary or at a welfare center. Since September, three people including a South Korean woman married to an American and a Hong Kong resident of North Korean descent have expressed interest in adopting Jade. But their wishes were frustrated due to complicated adoption requirements. Jade was for some reason not given Dutch citizenship by her adoptive parents, nor does she have residence rights in Hong Kong. She cannot speak Korean, only English and Cantonese.

The case made international headlines when the Hong Kong and Dutch press published the story together with the names and photographs of Raymond Poeteray (55) and his wife. Dutch daily De Telegraaf said Jade had been discarded like “a piece of household rubbish.'" The South China Morning Post of Hong Kong on Saturday carried an interview with an Indonesian woman who worked as a nanny for Jade in Jakarta, where Poeteray was posted before coming to Hong Kong, in 2004. She said the couple treated Jade quite differently from their own children and the woman rarely hugged the girl.

Hilbrand Westra, a coordinator for United Adoptees International Netherlands, said the Dutch government was now responsible for the girl's fate and welfare. Global Overseas Adoptees' Link (GOAL) urged both the South Korean and Dutch governments to conduct a thorough investigation, saying, "Children are not refundable. Adoption is a lifelong promise."

The Poeterays have written to the Telegraaf in their defense. "After our daughter came to our family we found it was hard to make real contact with her... in 2004 Hong Kong medical specialists diagnosed that she suffered from fear of bonding in a severe form," they wrote. "Despite what was written in the media we are not trying to get rid of our daughter and have not formally given her up.”

But the Dutch Foreign Ministry last Friday temporarily recalled Poeteray, a vice consul at the Consulate General. A spokesman for the ministry said the matter was “a private and domestic matter” and there were no legal concerns. However, the decision was apparently triggered by to the glare of international media attention.

Meanwhile, Korean residents in Hong Kong are furious. They are demanding the Poeterays tell the whole truth or the Dutch government apologize. They also urged the South Korean government to treat the matter as a diplomatic issue.

Thursday, October 04, 2007


Thai dish's charred chilli dip causes terror alert in London

Some days, it's good to laugh about our collective paranoia. :)

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source:The Guardian Online

Wearing specialist breathing equipment, fire crews sealed off the area in Soho, London on Monday and began a three-hour hunt to find the source of the eye-watering stench, the Guardian online reported.

The online said when a noxious cloud sent shoppers running in panic on the streets of London, emergency services feared the capital was under chemical attack.

Wearing specialist breathing equipment, fire crews sealed off the area in Soho on Monday afternoon and began a three-hour hunt to find the source of the eye-watering stench while a hazardous area response team stood by, fearing the worst.

Three streets were closed and people evacuated from the area as the search was carried out. After locating the source at about 7pm, emergency crews smashed their way into the Thai Cottage restaurant in D'Arblay Street only to emerge with a 9lb pot of smouldering dried chillies.

Baffled chef Chalemchai Tangjariyapoon, who had been cooking a spicy dip, was amazed to find himself at the centre of the terror scare.

"We only cook it once a year - it's a spicy dip with extra hot chillies that are deliberately burned," he said.

"To us it smells like burned chilli and it is slightly unusual. I can understand why people who weren't Thai would not know what it was but it doesn't smell like chemicals. I'm a bit confused."

Staff at the restaurant had already been evacuated by the time the dip was discovered. Supranee Yodmuang, a Thai Cottage waitress said: "The first we knew about it was at about 4.30 in the afternoon when the fire brigade came. They led us out to where the streets had been cordoned off and we waited there for about three hours.

"They said there was a chemical smell and I remember saying to someone that maybe the smell was the chillies but then we said that was not possible.

"When we came back at 7.30pm we saw the door had been smashed and there were fire brigade and police waiting outside. I was a bit scared but they were very nice about it."

The spicy dip, which is a speciality at the restaurant, is made from charred chillies, garlic flakes, dried shrimps, palm sugar, shrimp paste, tamarind and vegetable oil.

The restaurant, which has been open for 17 years, is considering putting up posters to warn the public during future chilli cooking sessions.

Saturday, May 05, 2007


What's the value of free speech?

This recent article, about a talk show host in Milwaukee, USA, publicly rejoicing at the death of his rival's mother made me think for a bit.

Let me say for the record that I abhor anything like this. You do not include innocent people in your quarrels. Perhaps I'm just naive and idealistic, but I really think that you should take your fights to whomever you're fighting with, not target people who have nothing to do with whatever it is you're arguing over.

The fact that he said this is in extremely bad taste. He does, however, have the right to say whatever he wants in a democracy, and I suppose the framers of the US constitution, while condemning what he did, would have supported his right to say it (a la Voltaire).

As for me, I suppose I would let the public deal with idiots like these. I'm sure that, right now, callers are calling in, condemning what he said and demanding that he be fired. I just feel bad for the other loved ones of this deceased woman, and how hurt they must feel that someone could so blatantly rejoice at the death of their loved one.

If there's anything to be learned from this, it's that America is not always going to be a place where you agree with what people say. It may even be a place, at times, where you feel hurt, insulted and marginalized because others have the right to say whatever the heck they want. Whether this kind of "free" and open society is good or not depends on your own perspective, I presume. As far as I'm concerned, it's up to America to handle its own idiots, and to prove to the world that it's push for personal freedom doesn't allow people to use the media as a pulpit for hate.

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MILWAUKEE -- A former alderman and controversial radio talk show host said he's happy the mother of his radio rival is dead.

Michael McGee Sr. made the comments during his radio show on WNOV-AM Thursday morning. Charlie Sykes is a radio talk show host on WTMJ-AM. Sykes' mother, Katherine B. Sykes, died in a house fire Tuesday. The Ozaukee County Coroner said Thursday that Sykes died of smoke inhalation.

McGee's words quickly spread on the Internet as bloggers picked up the story. At least one radio host talked about it on his show Thursday afternoon.

McGee and Sykes have been publicly battling for years, but even in the world of talk radio, some are saying the comments made are extreme.

"Mother Sykes, she dead. To me it's the vengeance of God. I ain't got no tears. Matter of fact a woman that would have a fool like that deserve whatever is coming her. She raised a sure enough idiot," McGee said on his radio show. "My instincts say Charlie Sykes killed his momma, cuz she live out in this big palace in Mequon all isolated. He got tired of waiting for her money."

McGee's comments came about 15 minutes into his show. He went on for about five minutes and then moved on to a different topic, but later in the show a caller asked about it.

"Mike McGee Senior," the caller began, "You really don't mean that, about your enemies families members being dead -- killed."

"Man, you don't think I mean that, man, you out of your mind," McGee replied.

WISN 12 News tried to contact McGee, management from WNOV-AM, and Charlie Sykes' radio station, WTMJ-AM, for comment, but no one returned the station's calls or messages.

An employee at WNOV-AM said they've received a lot of phone calls about McGee's comments and that most listeners are not happy about what was said.

McGee was previously suspended by WNOV-AM in 2004 after using an expletive on the air.

Monday, March 05, 2007


Saudi gang-rape victim faces 90 lashes

I don't have any words to express how angry this makes me feel...

I can't help but wonder that if this had happened in Iran, the Bush administration would have jumped all over it by now, but because it happened in Saudi Arabia, a key ally in the Middle East, they won't even comment on it...

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Saudi gang-rape victim faces 90 lashes

Agence France-Presse 03/05/2007

RIYADH -- A Saudi woman who was kidnapped at knifepoint, gang-raped and then beaten by her brother has been sentenced to 90 lashes -- for meeting a man who was not a relative, a newspaper reported on Monday.

In an interview with the Saudi Gazette, the 19-year-old said she was blackmailed a year ago into meeting a man who threatened to tell her family they were having a relationship outside wedlock, which is illegal in the ultra-conservative desert kingdom.

After driving off together from a shopping mall near her home, the woman and the man were stopped and abducted by a gang of men wielding kitchen knives who took them to a farm where she was raped 14 times by her captors.

Five men were arrested for the rape and given jail terms ranging from 10 months to five years by a panel of judges in the eastern city of Qatif, near the woman's hometown.

But the judges also decided to sentence the woman, identified by the newspaper only as "G," and the man to lashes for being together in the car.

Unrelated men and women are forbidden from interacting in public in Saudi Arabia, which strictly enforces Islamic Sharia law.

"G" said one of the judges told she was lucky not to have been given jail time. "I was shocked at the verdict. I couldn't believe my ears," said the woman, who has appealed against her sentence.
The woman also told the paper she tried to commit suicide because of her ordeal and was beaten by her younger brother because the rape had brought shame on their family.

Fuziyah al-Ouni, described as an activist by the paper, said she was outraged by the case. "By sentencing her to 90 lashes they are sending a message that she is guilty. No rape victim is guilty," she said.

There are severe legal restrictions on women in Saudi Arabia, including a strict dress code required outside the home and a ban on driving.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Man forced to marry goat

Words fail me... :)

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Sudan man forced to 'marry' goat

A Sudanese man has been forced to take a goat as his "wife", after he was caught having sex with the animal.

The goat's owner, Mr Alifi, said he surprised the man with his goat and took him to a council of elders.

They ordered the man, Mr Tombe, to pay a dowry of 15,000 Sudanese dinars ($50) to Mr Alifi.
"We have given him the goat, and as far as we know they are still together," Mr Alifi said.
Mr Alifi, Hai Malakal in Upper Nile State, told the Juba Post newspaper that he heard a loud noise around midnight on 13 February and immediately rushed outside to find Mr Tombe with his goat.

"When I asked him: 'What are you doing there?', he fell off the back of the goat, so I captured and tied him up".

Mr Alifi then called elders to decide how to deal with the case.

"They said I should not take him to the police, but rather let him pay a dowry for my goat because he used it as his wife," Mr Alifi told the newspaper.

taken from:

Friday, September 08, 2006


Let Ahmadinejad speak

What are Bush and the Israelis so afraid of? I mean, it would be a massive, massive PR blunder to deny Ahmadinejad a visa now. Not only would it set a precedent that the US is denying a world leader a voice in the General Assembly, but it would undermine the very foundations of free speech that Bush claims he went to Iraq for in the first place.

I thought the idea behind a functioning democracy was that you gave your enemies a platform for discussion, so that you could show the world how ridiculous they were? Ahmadinejad issued the challenge; Bush has to respond.

Personally, I don't support his ideals either, but he does have the right to speak to the rest of the U.N. and plead his case. It is wrong of Israel to try to silence him now.

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Iran's Leader Declares Intent To Speak at U.N.

By NICHOLAS WAPSHOTT - Staff Reporter of the SunSeptember 7, 2006

Taken from:

Diplomats at the United Nations were sent into disarray yesterday when President Ahmadinejad of Iran declared that he intended to attend the General Assembly of the world body on September 19 and to debate his country's nuclear program with President Bush, who is due to address the Assembly that day.

However, it was far from clear whether the Iranian president was serious in his suggestion or whether he was merely tweaking the nose of his American opponents. His intention to visit New York was reported by the Islamic Republic News Agency, which quoted the Presidential Office Media Department reporting him as saying, "We are ready for a debate with the Americans at the U.N. General Assembly" and that "the American side can even take part in the debate side by side with his advisors, and as a full team, if they wish so." Mr. Ahmadinejad last visited the United Nations last year.

The speculation, however, was enough to prompt sharp questions from reporters to the press spokesman of Secretary-General Annan about whether a precedent existed for America denying a visa to a president visiting the General Assembly. The spokesman replied that he knew of no such precedent.

The prospect of Mr. Ahmadinejad striding the world stage and voicing his well-known anti-Semitic views and his belief that Israel should be destroyed in the General Assembly was enough to cause a member of the Israeli parliament, M.K. Dan Naveh, to ask the Israeli government to demand that Mr. Ahmadinejad be prevented from attending the Assembly.

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